
Please choose one or more images from our standard collection or send us your own image to print.

Send us an e-mail with your choice and you will receive a notification for the payment, with credit card or paypal.

Price: size 1:  12 €
          size 2:  14 €
          size 3:  16 €       +shipping cost 2.80 € worldwide

MyStand comes in 3 sizes. This refers to the main back item.

 ·        Size 1, which is suitable for smaller smartphones (eg. iphone 4, 5) is
          7.5x12cm (2.95 x 4.72 inches)
 ·        Size 2, which is suitable for phones, smartphones, iphones and                  
           small e-book readers is 8x13cm (3,15x 5,12 inches).
 ·        Size 3, which is suitable for tables and ipads is 10x15cm (4 x 6 inches).
